6 ways to donate to heat bank haliburton countyThank you for your support! Every dollar helps support our mission.
01. CREDIT CARD OR PAYPALScroll down or click the below for our to donate by credit card or PayPal through Canada Helps.
02. Cash |
faq: directing donation to heat bank |
You can direct your donation to Heat Bank by including a note in the cheque memo field or message section of the e-transfer.
03. E-TransfersE-transfers can be sent to:
[email protected] Please include your name & mailing address in the "notes" section so we can send you a tax receipt! |
04. ChequesPlease make out to "Central Food Network" and mail to:
Central Food Network P.O. Box 213, Wilberforce, Ontario K0L 3C0 |
05. CFN HEAT & EAT 50/50 CASH RAFFLEDon't miss out on your chance to win half the pot while making a difference locally – buy your tickets today and join us in our mission to ensure that no one has to choose between “Heating or Eating” in the Highlands!
06. Gifts of Time, Services OR FUELThere are many ways that you can get involved with our firewood programs including: