We provide small amounts of free, seasoned firewood to households who are struggling with the cost of heating their homes or find themselves in a heating emergency.
Access to and delivery of firewood is coordinated by our intake staff. Information on the family size, income and situation are requested to help determine eligibility as well as to help identify any other programs or supports from which the household could benefit. Information provided is kept confidential.
Part of the intake process will help to determine whether a volunteer is needed to deliver the firewood. Please note that in these situations, it may take us a couple days to arrange for delivery.
Home to Home Firewood Program
This program connects lower-income households who heat with wood to households that have extra hardwood (usually through Hydro- or lot-clearing or felling of danger trees). Households connected through the Home to Home program are expected to be able to make arrangements to pick up the wood themselves, although some support from volunteers is occasionally available. This program runs from spring through to early fall.
If you have questions or need help, please reach out.